Your Guide to Building an Active Pipeline for 2023


Having an active pipeline is important in any market, but it’s especially important when sales are declining. It takes a little more work and effort than it has over the past couple of years to be a successful agent in this climate. Consistent lead generation is essential. But it doesn’t have to be complicated.

We recently talked to Aubrey Martin and Mignon Hooper about how they’ve both excelled at keeping their pipelines full. As Aubrey is an individual agent from Portland, Oregon and Mignon Hooper has a team in the Atlanta, Georgia area, their tips are useful for businesses of any size and in any location. Watch now and read on for the top activities they use to lead generate to prepare for the year ahead.

  1.  Network with intentionality

Find groups that resonate with your interests and values. Then, don’t just join these groups but rather, take on an active role with them. Whether it’s the local Business Network International organization, a social media group for working moms, or any other networking group that aligns with who you are, you’ll find that the natural connections you make through these groups can serve your business well. After all, when you are present and in constant communication with people you feel a connection with, you’re more likely to be the recipient of business referrals they may have.  

  1.  Utilize business referral sources

Referrals don’t have to come solely from past clients. Plenty of leads can come from the vendors that we do business with on a day-to-day basis. Aubrey, for instance, has both a touch program and holds events for the service providers in her network. These relationships are mutually beneficial as she sends business their way as well. Staying in front of these other professionals helps her to stay top of mind so that when they have a buyer or seller lead to share, they think of her first.

  1.  Hold buyer and seller seminars

Not everyone you come into contact with will be ready to buy a home immediately. Use this insight to your advantage by hosting classes for people who may be considering buying further down the road, whether it be six months from now or even longer. Then, be sure to add these longer-term nurtures to your database for ongoing drip campaigns. By establishing your position as the go-to person for information about the market now and then staying in communication over time, you’ll be better able to be top of mind with these potential clients when they’re ready, willing, and able to buy in the future.

  1.  Hold charity events

Events are a great way to interact with your database. And they can be even better when they are charity-focused. This type of event can be successful in a variety of formats and sizes. The important thing is that they provide a place that both connects you to the community and enables the community to give back. After all, when people see that you genuinely care about the area you are serving, they’ll be more likely to want to do business with you. From a communication standpoint, charity events provide a low-pressure and rewarding reason to get in touch with your database: invite them to attend or participate prior to the event and follow up afterward to thank them for coming or to tell them their attendance was missed.  

The bottom line: no matter the activity, when you are purposeful with your lead generation, you’ll be better equipped to keep your pipeline full in the months ahead.

Need a reason to call your database right now? Aubrey and Mignon suggest implementing one of the following conversation starters in your reach-outs:

  • Be interested in their accomplishments: Ask your contacts to tell you about a goal they’ve accomplished this year. Then, celebrate the achievement with them. If the question is reciprocated, you’ve been gifted a natural segue to talk about your business goals, referrals, and how much you’ve accomplished because of your clients.
  • Be helpful for their role as homeowners: Come from contribution when you reach out to clients who you’ve done business with over the past year. For instance, ask if providing them with a final settlement statement would be helpful for preparing their upcoming taxes. You want them to see you as the source for all their real estate needs, even if they aren’t in the market for a house at the current moment.

As you work to keep your pipeline full and flowing in the coming months, remember, lead generating doesn’t have to be cringe-worthy or even unnatural. Genuine conversations happen when we spend time with people we have things in common with and when we truly want to contribute to the communities we are part of. How are you purposeful about your lead generation?

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