DISCuss & DISCover: Learn How to Decode the DISC So You Can Get to the "Yes" Every Time


Communicating can be tough. We know what we’re trying to say but all too often, what’s being heard is different. And it’s not surprising, because we’re all different. But what if we told you that it’s possible to improve the way you interact with others? Massachusetts-based agent Marilyn Burke has made it her mission to understand the DISC behavioral assessment and share her lessons learned with you. Read on to learn how interpreting the DISC dimensions in others can help you to better communicate, increase the quality and understanding in your relationships and even improve your business.

What the DISC is…and Isn’t

Before you apply the DISC in your interactions, we recommend taking a moment to understand what the DISC is. People use the DISC assessment to help pinpoint dominant behavioral traits. In doing so, it provides a universal language of observable behavior and emotions that we can then use to better know who we are, as well as who the people around us are. There are no good or bad qualities with the DISC, nor is there a qualification of how smart you are or what your values might be. It’s simply a way to take note of the similarities and the differences in how people act by categorizing them into four main types or “dimensions.”

The 4 Dimensions of the DISC

DISC is actually an acronym for the four main personality profiles of the assessment. D is for dominance, I is for influence, S is for steadiness and C is for conscientiousness.

  • D: Highlights results
  • I: Highlights influencing others
  • S: Highlights dependability
  • C: Highlights quality and accuracy

Everyone has at least one main trait that falls into these categories that can describe the type of behavior we tend to gravitate to. However, we likely have aspects of some or all of the other traits. And to use this assessment to your advantage, you need to become a keen observer of people.

The DISC and your Business

Thinking of the people who surround you in terms of their preferred behavioral styles can do your business a world of good. When you understand how they prefer to interact, you can tailor your own communication and presentation style to meet their needs. Consider the following tips when you’re communicating with potential clients:

How to communicate and present to someone with a “High D” style

  • Be clear, concise, and to the point.
    Those with a lot of D in their personality aren’t a huge fan of small talk. Stick to the business at hand.
  • Provide top-level information.
    If you’re presenting to a D, keep in mind that they don’t want to waste time. They don’t like seeing testimonials or all of the behind-the-scenes research. Come to them ready to share the bottom line in an organized fashion.
  • Understand their driving forces.
    When you work with those with D personalities, flatter their egos and ask their opinion. Provide them with alternatives so that they can make the decision.

How to communicate and present to someone with a “High I” style

  • Pad your appointments with extra time.
    Those with High I personalities are looking for more than a sale. They want to get to know you. So be friendly and allow extra time for socializing.
  • Have fun in your presentation.
    Remember, your High I clients enjoy making connections, so don’t be afraid to share personal stories and jokes –have fun in your presentations!
  • Put your focus on people and action items.
    High I’s tend not to want many details. Instead, they want to share their goals and opinions. Make sure you provide a lot of follow-up and service after meeting with them – they can connect with other agents easily too!

How to communicate and present to someone with a “High S” style

  • Take the time to break the ice.
    Those with High S personalities don’t express their emotions frequently but don’t let that fool you – they are highly emotional and will mask their feelings unless you ask them. So take the time to get to know them in a warm and genuine way.
  • Establish trust.
    The people who have a lot of S in their personalities know if you’re being straightforward with them or not – show you are trustworthy by providing the proof and statistics they need. They don’t like hard sells and if you come on too strong, you’ll shut down the relationship before it has a chance to grow.
  • Be prepared for two-part presentations.
    The High S often needs time and reassurance when making decisions. Two-part presentations are common. Give them time to discuss what they’ve learned with their family (or others involved in the decision making) and then ask to come back and meet with them again.

How to communicate and present to someone with a “High C” style

  • Lead with data.
    Small talk isn’t important to those who are high on the C dimension of the DISC, but information is. Be prepared to provide them with lots of background data and facts and figures.
  • Details matter.
    C personality types don’t want to be rushed in their decisions and want to be confident in your ability to get the job done. This means being prepared to answer their specific questions and making sure you’ve checked and double-checked your work so that it’s free of mistakes. One small typo can cost you the business of a High C.
  • They like to see proven results.
    High Cs prefer proven products and services over innovative options. Therefore, be sure to provide testimonials (from similar personality types!) in your presentations.

When you take the time to understand the driving forces behind the communication styles of the people you’re in and doing business with, the chance of misunderstandings decreases while the chance for developing great relationships increases. In a profession like real estate where relationships make all the difference, communicating with people in a way that resonates with them can do wonders for your business!

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