3 Things to do Everyday to Sell $10M in a Shifting Market


You may be a seasoned agent or just getting your feet wet in the real estate industry. Either way, there’s no question that this market is a tough one. With NAR forecasting another 7 percent decline next year, the market may get even tougher. But that doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish your goals.

Look at Rodney Maison as an example of what’s possible. With just three years into the business – and starting mere months before the pandemic hit – and he has grown his Atlanta, Georgia business year after year. How? He puts in the necessary work every single day.

When we sat down and talked about the strategies Rodney is using to increase his production every year, these key activities stood out:

  1. He surrounds himself with people he can learn from.
  2. He set up and keeps to a daily routine.
  3. He determines his end goals and works backward to achieve them.
  4. He lead generates every day. 


  1. Surround yourself with people to learn from

At every point in his real estate career, Rodney has paid attention to the successful people around him. From shadowing people in the office to joining the daily mastermind calls on Pivot: Shift Ahead, everything he did was based upon the advice given by people who were having success in the business. Rodney understood that surrounding himself with businesspeople whose successes he could learn from would help him to bring his own business to the next level. He didn’t recreate the wheel. He simply took advantage of the knowledge and experience that already existed.  

  1.  Establish a daily routine

Rodney took a hard look after his first year of business and recognized that while he had a strong start overall, his month-to-month performance wasn’t as consistent as he would have liked. As a result, he began to follow a routine with his daily activities. These days, Rodney starts his day off with meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations. He then tunes in to the Pivot: Shift Ahead morning call, practices his scripts, and keeps the time blocks he’s scheduled for lead generating. The structure he’s put into his weekdays means that his time is predictable and accounted for, which ensures he can be purposeful about getting the necessary work done to push his business forward every day.

  1.  Set goals and a plan to achieve them

Rodney realized one of the best ways to ensure he was doing the activities that were needed to achieve the success he wanted was to start with his end goal in mind. In other words, he figured out what he wanted and worked backward from that point, breaking down his business to determine what he needed to do and what systems he needed to implement in order to achieve these goals. For Rodney, these goals entailed having twenty daily conversations and four monthly listing appointments. And to achieve these goals, Rodney made a business plan, identified his lead generation levers, figured out his priorities and strategies, and went to work.

  1.  Lead generate every day

Being purposeful about lead generation has helped Rodney to triple his business over the three years he’s been in the real estate business. Using the techniques taught in courses and by the lead generation experts he follows, Rodney reaches out to his whole database once a quarter, as well as calls For Sale By Owner (FSBO) prospects, and connects with possible clients via social media. And he does the work every single day. Rodney time blocks for this lead generation time in the morning, which enables him to consistently build his business without getting sidetracked by things that could otherwise derail his attention.  

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